BIO BARLEY GRASS - Veda Naturals


180 capsules

Advantage package
Normal price €22,99 Special price€21,84 Save 5%
incl. VAT

Unsere Verpackung ist 100% plastikfrei und daher auch umweltfreundlich.

Es ist leicht einzunehmen - nimm einfach 4-6 Kapseln täglich mit einem Glas Wasser ein. Bitte beginne mit 2 Kapseln morgens und 2 Kapseln abends und nimm maximal 6 Kapseln pro Tag ein.

The power of barley grass

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Our claim

  • We pay attention to the resources we consume. Quality and purity of the product is as important as the responsibility that comes with sustainable cultivation. We support local farmers in the countries where the medicinal herbs originate. We make sure that it is possible for you to practice organic farming without sacrificing yield or income. Each of our products is tested according to our quality guidelines (link to seals) and packed with love in Germany.

Barley grass and Ayurveda

  • Barley grass has been cultivated in the Near East since 7000 BC and is known as a holistic remedy under the Latin name Hordeum vulgare. It belongs classically to the variety of sweet grasses. However, the tender long stalks do not reveal at first glance what fullness is in you. Barley grass is a source of the most powerful antioxidants that our nature has to offer. The positive aspects of barley have a holistic effect on our body and mind and are often combined with other medicinal herbs in modern Ayurvedic teachings.

Additional information

Product description Capsules
Net quantity 180 Kapseln - 460mg pro Kapsel
Brand Veda Naturals
Entrepreneur Veda Naturals Ltd.
Ingredients Hordeum Vulgare
Storage instructions Store in a cool and dry place. Close bottle tightly after use.
Label language German & English
Organization of the test eurofins -
Organic inspection body DE-ÖKO-037


Customer Reviews

Based on 124 reviews
Karin Schröder
Gerade erst eingenommen

Sehr schnelle Lieferung, ich hoffe dass es mir bei den Beschwerden mit dem Brennen in der Speiseröhre hilft

Volker E.
Gute Wirkung

Nehme jetzt seit ca. 3 Wochen das Gerstengras und muss sagen, dass ich weniger Probleme mit Sodbrennen habe. Vorher habe ich immer mal wieder drei Tsge Pantoprazol nehmen müssen. Das bleibt mir bisher erspart.
Werde das Gerstengras erstmal weiter nehmen und habe neu bestellt.

Was Besseres gibt es nicht.

Einfach nur top. Hilft sofort gegen Sodbrennen und Magenbeschwerden.

Dennis Heinrich
Fast delivery

Beim zweiten Mal hat alles geklappt .

Robert Grothum

Besserung vom ersten Tag an 👍 ich hoffe es bleibt so

Theresia Faller-Kula

Hilft bis jetzt gut, bin zufrieden!

Lydia Mittereder
Übelkeit/ Reflux

Leider habe ich nur eine kleine Besserung meiner Magen u.Speiseröhrenprobleme gemerkt, ohne Esmopantozol geht es leider nicht,das finde ich sehr schade,habe so viel Hoffnung auf dieses Präperrat gehabt.

Stefan Gründler

Hat meine Beschwerden in den ersten 2 Wochen gelindert... 5 Sterne gibt's wenn sich die Tendenz bewahrheitet...

What our customers think


"I really like Veda Naturals products and use the different churnas (powders) often in my daily routine. For example, I like to add Amalaki to my Golden Milk for extra immune system support."

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Laura Krüger
Coach for hormone balance and Ayurveda

"I am thrilled with the supplements from Veda Naturals. My favorite way to use them is first thing in the morning in my smoothie, giving me a healthy and good feeling for the day. I can especially recommend the herbs for women's health. They support the natural female cycle wonderfully. Therefore, a clear recommendation from my side."

Link to the website

Tanja Angele
Yoga teacher

"I use the almond oil daily and love it so much! I use it for my skin and find it absolutely wonderful."

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Mona Therese Koeberle
Mindset Coach & Author

"As an Ayurvedic expert, the quality of Ayurvedic recipes is very important to me. The well-being and health achieved by using an Ayurvedic product depends on how efficiently it has been prepared. 

Veda Naturals herbal powders are reliable and efficient. They are manufactured and packaged with the utmost care. The quality of Brahmi and Amalaki is probably the best I have seen in Germany. It transports the essence of these herbs from India. 

In addition, I really appreciate that Veda seeks and incorporates the opinions of experts every step of the way." 

Link to the website

Dr. Anoosha Shastry
Ayurvedic doctor

"I got to know Veda Naturals very recently but I'm already in love with their products. The quality of the powders is amazing. My Golden Milk tastes much better now! Also, the essential oils are very good and I use them almost daily to relax".

Link to the website

Diana Rojas
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

"Veda Naturals' Organic Ashwagandha is of very high quality and comes from a trusted source. The benefits for stress relief and sleep improvement are certainly noticeable with this product. Highly recommended!"

Link to the website

Bianca Jeevan Seaman
Ayurvedic therapist & nurse